Daily Success for an elderly peregrino is symbolized by this statueDaily Success May 14 managed to reach the “Okay” rating by the skin of its proverbial teeth. Why the poor performance? ¡The Camino website time-suck!

It’s really all the August 4th, 2021 My Camino Day post’s fault. It’s a story worth telling right and that required memory jogging and pictures. That combination led to a very deep rabbit hole, indeed. The good news, if there is any, is that I think, emphasis “think,” that the deep dive into the rabbit hole has produced what I want and need. “Think” is the operative term because there is one more tiny exploration that is needed, just a check …

The plan for today is to get the last of the “My Camino Day getting there in 2021” post finished [update: SUCCESS!]. That’s what started it all, that rabbit hole problem, and it’s now well set for completion. Then on to the August 4th post.

Daily success on Mother's Day includes cooking a special breakfastFor today, well, it’s Mother’s Day so I’m cooking [update: cooked] breakfast, an egg dish rather than our standard Sunday fair of blueberry pancakes and bacon. The dishes and part of the laundry, too. That will limit the time for the website and exercise a tiny bit but should not be a real issue.

On the injury front, things are looking pretty good. The toe seems fine and the shoulder, while a tiny bit worrisome, appears to be fully functional. Thus, I’m doing both Core and Upper Body Strength more or less as normal. “More or less” because I’m backing off a bit on the TheraBand strength on pull downs and lats. Fingers are crossed.

I’ve got the SurveyorBot White Paper started. It will be significantly more work than originally planned. Surprise, surprise. And the bookkeeping is there demanding my time. Thus, the non-Camino website Internet time-suck sites MUST be avoided at all costs.